Sunday, January 13, 2008

AR Technology used for educational purposes

Augmented Reality Technology has been used in the past in general ways such as allowing doctors to perform surgeries on their patients from another city. However, Augmented Reality Technology is now being used to help educate students. Today students at The Georgia Institute of Technology are trying to use this technology to create reenactments of past events that occurred in history. The hopes are to recreate such events as Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering a sermon so that those who use this technology actually feel like they witnessed this event occurring. This is accomplished through the use of headsets that allow lasers to paint images on your retina. They also use GPS systems to track where those with headsets are going so that you could go throughout Atlanta, visit various historical sites, and see reenactments of different historical events. Everything is timed perfectly to completely recreate events of history. Eventually the goal would be to recreate events in Atlanta occuring during the Civil War up to the Civil Rights movement. In addition, this technology could be used for tourists who are interested in learning about the history of various places they visit. For instance, one day a tourist could travel to the beaches at Normandy and watch the reenactment of the Allies invading France.

This technology will have phenomenal effects on how students are educated. They will know what it was like to experience different events throughout history which will enhance learning. This technology could also be used to determine what historical sites attract tourists. In conlusion, this technology will completely change the way we see the world.

From the article:
Is It Live or Is it AR?
By Jay David Bolter and Blair MacIntyre


Tetsu said...

Fascinating! I would love to experience the technology. Curiously, what if I want to see what happened during the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, or even what some scientists "believe" the native Indians walked from today's Russia to Alaska. I think it is highly possible that these will be available in the near future.

Anonymous said...

This has always interested me, but more on how a teacher could bring subjects like history alive. Some of my best classes growing up were when the teachers could really draw the students into the class and explain how things came to be, rather than just reading to us from the book. This type of technology will open up many children's minds and probably get them interested in subjects that they may have never thought much about.