Wednesday, April 23, 2008

security issues

I thought that Dr. Schultz brought up some very good points in class tonight about security issues in regards to Microsoft Access. It seems that this is a big issue that will affect many businesses. It is very important to make sure that all these issues are addressed as we saw tonight. I was very surprised that even though a Microsoft Access file can be password protected that the file can still be tampered. Even though you need to have some knowledge to be able to tamper with a file it still did not seem that complicated which is pretty scary. Also, I thought it was interesting that when Microsoft Access is imported into excel there are security issues.

These issues will need to be addressed in many workplaces to make sure that information is not compromised. As Dr. Schultz brought up though, these new security measures that must be taken will probably slow down billable hours. It will be interesting to see how companies deal with this.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Many times people have several different computers that they perform work on. However, it seems that at the time they need the work they do not have the most current file on the computer they are working on. Therefore, a new product has come out called SugarSync to resolve this problem. It makes sure that whenever a person works on a file that it replicates it to any other computers that particular person might use so that all computers have the most up to date data on that file. This is great for those who are always on the move. For instance if a person has a PC and a smartphone, Sugarsync will make sure all data is synchronized on both devices to ensure that whether the person accesses files on the PC or the smartphone the files will be identical. Therefore, one no longer has to worry about doing work on their PC then going on vacation and trying to access the file on the smartphone and it not being the most up to date file.

This will prove very convenient for our "on the go" society. It will certainly help make doing business easier.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cell Phone Madness

It seems like we are going back in time when we here that cell phones are starting to replace labtops, but this is a growing trend. The CIO of Webcor Building in California has already offered his employees the option to trade in their labtops for a cell phone and a desktop, which provides great savings to the company in both price and support fees. Twenty employees have already opted for this option. The cell phone he is giving employees allows them to use Microsoft Excel, Outlook, and Word, provides a thumbnail keyboard, a 1.8 inch color screen, has a 144 megahertz processor, employees can check and send emails, make changes to documents, view PDFs, and pull up drawings (since it is in the Construction business). This is so amazing and allows the employer to stay in better contact with employees because he can call them too.

It seems amazing that labtops might have the chance to be replaced by cell phones. Even though labtops will not be completely replaced they will see competition from cell phones that could lead to new changes in technology. It will be very interesting to see what the future holds.